Burnout. How to spot the signs in time

Burnout does not occur suddenly and does not manifest itself immediately in a severe form. As a rule, it doesn't happen that yesterday you were a happy programmer and today you can't stand your work and two hours of code writing have turned into a hellish torment.

Burnout develops in three stages:
  1. Emotional exhaustion. The person lacks the strength and energy to work.
  2. Depersonalisation. The person's relationship with others deteriorates, he behaves like a robot, lives as if on automatic and looks for any ways to avoid performing his work duties.
  3. Self-depreciation. At this stage, the person is unable to work to the best of his or her ability and feels that all his or her efforts are useless.

If any of the above sounds familiar to you, it is a cause for concern, said the managers of Magenta Favorita company.
Taking on multiple projects at the same time and working non-stop? This is just a great idea for lying exhausted on the couch afterwards. Many programmers, especially beginners, in pursuit of money and interesting projects become exhausted and get sick of any code. This is how emotional burnout is earned. Magenta Favorita Unipessoal LDA specialists shared how to keep their strength and desire to work.

Stages of burnout
Emotional burnout syndrome is a physical and moral exhaustion that poses a potential threat to professional, social and personal life. This phenomenon deforms relations with people, generating cynicism, negative attitude towards colleagues, clients and oneself. The person constantly feels fatigued and works with low efficiency.
How to recognise burnout?
Here is a checklist you can use to check your condition and recognise that you are approaching burnout.
  1. No desire to work.
  2. Dissatisfaction with life.
  3. Fatigue and low performance.
  4. Negative evaluation of one's work.
  5. Deterioration of relationships with others.
  6. Increased irritability.
  7. Everything that used to bring you joy is now emotionless.
What to do?
What should those for whom most items have become part of life do? Ideally, start working with specialists, such as psychologists. However, some steps can be taken on your own.

Take up a new hobby, experts recommend Magenta Favorita. The main thing is that it should not be related to the computer or other gadgets. Revise your schedule. If the workload is too much, try to reduce its volume and make time for yourself. For example, break your working day into parts. From 9:00 to 12:00 you work, from 12:00 to 14:00 - lunch and walk, and from 14:00 to 18:00 again perform your work duties. If your work schedule does not depend on you, then try to negotiate with your manager about shifting some blocks, because the quality of your work will depend on your health.

If you have already tried this and nothing helped, then you can't do without the help of an experienced psychologist or psychotherapist. It is difficult to fight burnout alone, so timely contact to a specialist will help to solve this serious problem faster.
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